Even with a CLW-wand we do not go everywhere at full HP, especially the members of the party that stay back and get hit less often.

Also, potions can be self-administered.Any any of these types of utility magic items soak up a lot of excess party gold--always a good thing. A wand never occurred to me and I am really wishing I had.Pretty sure that without divine casters, they would have been unable to use the wands. In your example of a (single) creature dealing 20 points of damage per round, your alternative damage-dealing action needs to accelerate the creature's death by half of a round to match the value of 10 points of healing.Please take a look at the edit I made, in light of V2 Blast's suggestions. Go to the action tab. They do, however, have a few barrels of potions of Cure and Restoration Potions - roughly 5000 doses of CLW CL 5, 500 CMW CL 10, and 500 LR - and they've gone through about 200 over the sessions, between fights or during LOGISTICS time. If you expend the wand's last charge, roll a d20.

potions, other wands, charges per day items, etcSorry, we are new to Fantasy Grounds. Has this affected your playstyle? or "Okay, that fight was tough, let's heal up.

The spell cures up to 1 point of ability damage if the target is a living creature.

Even if I include the Moderate, that's 20d8+30 (120 hp). This means you are just giving your party bonus HP that they will A wand of Cure Wounds might not break the game, especially if it has 3 charges per day (similar to the uncommon item eyes of charming, DMGp.

They give them to you with the Pathfinder Society thing too. Does your DM like/dislike the fact that you can go into any combat at full HP?You mean Wand of Lesser Vigor (11 hp per charge rather than 1d8+1 per charge in same cost for a wand)? When the party is low on hit points the hole up and the adventure stops until they are healed.

It starts with 6 charges (or 1d8). I definitely pick one up on any character that can use one, though. HappyDaze : Aug 4, 2011, 02:14 am : Jadeite wrote: Spell Level x Caster Level x 750 gp.

level 1. Like other cure spells, mass cure light wounds deals damage to undead in its area rather than curing them. They basically need to go into a fight with full HP, or else they wind up dead.Then again, I have a policy of "The Only Good Damage is Sufficient Damage," and the fights generally don't last more than two to four rounds because people die really fast, and combat healing rarely helps with that. The damage cured increases to 2d8 points of damage + 2 points per caster level (maximum +10). Keep track of charges somewhere else.... making a ranged weapon with ammo would work perfectly. Also, please explain what you mean by "that they will never level out of" in your remark about party bonus HP.

If you use the wands in your game, players are going to be at full health all the time. That's as far as I can get, there is no place to add a healing action, or to edit it in any way. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts That's generally boring time. It's better than not having it, but not as good as having a decent caster in the party.Lesser Vigor is only 11 points, not 15. Other than that, I my group prefers to keep their action economy available for actually fighting.Wand of CLW is great, as everyone else has said. Thanks for your helpright-click on that spell and add an action, in your case a heal button site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under

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The problem is it's a common expectation that after you get your first 2pp that you get yourself a bloody wand of cure light wounds so that you don't become an unnecessary burden to your fellow party members. Discuss the workings and policies of this site

Each affected undead may attempt a Will save for half damage. Do you mean add spell class?

level 1. Most times they either have to find a city or somewhere with a shop to purchase one or take an item creation feat.I always suggest as a player (and as a DM) that PCs cut treasure into one extra share of loot for a sort of 'party fund'. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast the The wand regains 1d6+1 expended charges daily at dawn. @BgrWorker counter-fact: Being alive is the best way to implement the best form of crowd control@Premier counter-counter-fact: Until the undead start showing up@James counter-counter-counter-fact: In which case, Death stops being the best form of Crowd ControlComparing the damage you can do vs the healing you can do is not a useful comparison. Classic editor History Talk (0) Share.

CASTING. Create a new spellcaster section.

Create a new spellcaster section. At Higher Levels. Change the healing to the correct value (in this case 1d8 die and 1 misc).

School conjuration (healing); Level bard 5, cleric/oracle 5, druid 6, inquisitor 5, shaman 5, witch 6. "Uh oh,, the fighter dropped and I don't want to waste a spell!

So each HP lost is a cost of 2.73 gp.The wand was never used for actual healing in fights.

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